Helldivers 2’s Illuminate massacred 83 million innocent murderers in their first 50 days, and despite moderately feeble backup, things on the squid front seem about to get worse

Sorry, I come bearing bad news. I don’t just say that because it involves maths. Ok, maybe I do. Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead has shared some stats about the amount of stuff that’s died in the Galactic War so far, and it’s seemigly come at a bit of an ironic time, with Super Earth looking pretty on-the-ropes in the latest MO.

Maybe it’s natural this would happen after players were rightly given a bit of an auto-victory in their last order due to the whole Galactic War hiatus caused by a pesky bug (not the Terminid kind). Or perhaps that’s why Arrowhead’s shared this data – to try and serve as stat smelling salts and get everyone going again.

Anyway, what to hear about death? Good, because as of January 31, the Helldivers had killed 280 billion baddies in total, while also wiping out 38.5 million of their own troops via frendly fire. This is according to a graphic tweeted by Arrowhead, which also confirms that the Illuminate killed 83 million divers in that timespan – so the roughly 50 days since the faction debuted around December 13.

That’s good going for a pretty titchy timespan, even if it’s short of the bots’ and bugs’ lifetime death totals of 1.5 billion and 1.2 billion respectively. Meanwhile, 275 million hug emotes has been dished out as of the start of February, and given how the current major order’s going that number’s probably due another big bump soon.

This order’s been a tough one, to be fair – fend off eight attacks from the Illuminate in order to stop the Meridia death ball getting closer to eating a second course in the form of the planet Moradesh, while also wrestling control of Claorell from the automatons. As of writing, there are just under 24 hours to go, with only two attacks beaten, and Claorell sitting at around 75% liberated.

Taking the latter looks to be the best chance of pulling out at least a partial victory, assuming the squids don’t launch a bunch of last-minute offensives that are quickly put down, but even that’ll be tough going at the current rate. There are just under 20k divers on Claorell right now, so here’s hoping they can pull out the W.

Especially since in-game propagand-, er news broadcasts have indicated that those “moderately feeble young adults” saved as part of the last order are being trained to serve. Bit of a crap example to set them, getting beat, eh?

How many helldivers have you wiped out via a stray bullet, bomb or bout of flame from a gun you might have argued about on Discord? Let us know if you’ve lost count below.

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