Cyberpunk 2077 gets the mod you never knew you needed: a service that’ll text you random cat and dog facts midway through emotional chats with Keanu Reeves

Ok, so Cyberpunk 2077 players have a bit of a thing for cats. They like hanging out with moggies in their futuristic flats thanks to Deceptious’ Apartment Cats series of mods, and you might think that’d be enough.

It ain’t, though. There can never be enough cat stuff in Cyberpunk, because as you well know, cats are great. Enter a new mod that injects a bunch more cattiness – and also doginess – into CD Projekt’s RPG via a text service that sounds like it can interrupt your adventure at any time to tell you random pet pub quiz trivia, provided you set it up to do so.

It’s modder MisterChedda’s ‘CatFacts’ and it does exactly what it says on the tin, plus a bit more. I’d expect nothing less from a modder who previously added a motorbike made from a massive hotdog and two cheeseburgers to Cyberpunk.

Basically, it’s an automated service on V’s in-game phone that’ll cut through the endless string of texts from fixers and other actual game-related stuff to bring you random facts about cats as often as you set them to arrive by tweaking the mod’s settings.

Picture the scene. You’re doing something unimportant like having a deep chat with Johnny Silverhand or breaking into Arasaka Tower, all guns blazing. Bloomp. You get a little message from a new contact called ‘Catfacts’ telling you something like: “A group of cats is called a clowder.” Then, you get on with playing and the message auto-deletes so it doesn’t clog up your inbox. Everyone wins.

If you’re wondering where the facts come from, the answer is a free online API (application programming interface) called, which the mod calls on to retrieve a random cat fact via another Cyberpunk mod called ‘RedHttpClient’. If you don’t like cats, you can also tweak CatFacts’ settings so that it’ll serve you dog facts instead, via another free API called, well, DogAPI. In DogAPI’s case, the API’s site states that the bits of info you’ll get are sourced from “a collection of dog facts that have been submitted by members of the public”.

MisterChedda’s also made the source code of their mod public via GitHub, in case you want to verify for yourself that it’s not making any other requests/calls aside from the ones to these two APIs.

Did you know that the first cat show was in 1871 at the Crystal Palace in London, organised by artist Harrison Weir? Let us know below!

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