DC’s first look at Lanterns is decidedly un-green, but with production now underway, at least it won’t be long until we get a proper one

Your first look at DC’s upcoming Green Lanterns show is here, I just wouldn’t expect all that much from it.

Green Lantern is definitely one of the cooler characters out of the main Justice League cast, but after the 2011 film starring Ryan Reynolds, it’s pretty clear that the character was put on a backset in the film world, as none of the main incarnations made it into the old DCU. That’s changing with the new DCU, though, thanks to the upcoming Lanterns series which features both a slightly older version of Hal Jordan portrayed by Kyle Chandler, with a younger, fresher-faced John Stewart as played by Aaron Pierre. The official Max account has now shared a look at the pair of characters too, which you can check out below, and… they certainly look like actors Kyle Chandler and Aaron Pierre!

It really is just the two of them walking down some road in the middle of nowhere, looking perhaps a little bit too serious, hardly a speck of green to be seen… except on Chandler’s right hand, where you can see an incredibly chunky Green Lantern Corps ring on his middle finger that I honestly can’t tell whether it’s a real prop or Photoshopped in, but it’s there at the very least. It also looks just a little bit awkward and funny on him, given how long his sleeves are. I don’t know, maybe it was cold that day, but Pierre’s jacket seems to fit him fine.

The post from Max also confirms that production has finally started, so you can at least possibly look forward to an actual look at them in uniform within the next year or so. DC Studios co-CEO James Gunn has previously said that its very rough release window is around the same time as Supergirl, which is due out June 26, 2026, so unless plans change you’ve only got about a year to wait before you see the pair properly in action.

There’s also now an animated Green Lanterns series in the works in the style of My Adventures with Superman, so all of you Lanterns fans finally have something to look forward to.

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